Rapidly evolving technique for patients wishing to preserve their fertility by storing their eggs
Egg Freezing Package
£6500 (1 cycle)
Includes initial appointment, egg count (AMH) blood test and 3D scan for egg count (AFC) with in treatment basic medications, scans, blood tests, egg collection with sedation
Yearly storage costs will be payable separately
3 Cycle Egg Freezing Package
Includes initial appointment, egg count (AMH) blood test and 3D scan for egg count (AFC) with in treatment basic medications, scans, blood tests, egg collection with sedation
Yearly storage costs will be payable separately
Thawing of frozen eggs and fertilisation with ICSI and embryo transfer
Additional costs for Embryo Screening (PGS) as per the pricelist, if requested
Thawing of frozen eggs, fertilisation with ICSI, freezing of good embryos and frozen embryo transfer
Additional costs for Embryo Screening (PGS) as per the pricelist, if requested.
Male infection screen HIV1&2, HepBs Ag, HepB core, HepC Abs
Chlamydia (urine)
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea (urine)
Anti-mullerian Hormone (AMH)
Beta HCG
Chromosome blood test
£446.50 (Outside the embryo biopsy package)
CMV (IgG/IgM) antibodies (if required)
TDL laboratories for all blood investigation charge a Phlebotomy charge of £32.50. This fee is waived if bloods are ordered and paid through fertility Plus